Beware the guest room

I went into what is supposed to be “the guest room” fully intending to prepare the room for an actual guest, but I got a little sidetracked.

After successfully emptying one box, I moved on, or I would have moved on, but the next box had a collection of granny squares like this:

One of several long forgotten granny squares
One of several long forgotten granny squares

Measuring six-and-a-half inches across, it (and it’s compatriots) were exactly one-half inch too large for Project Amigo, and while, of late, the rehab has been more about building onto remnants that are too small, I decided that frogging these “just a bit too big” granny squares and reworking them was the better course of action, and I did exactly that:

Four formally too large granny squares rehabbed into six-inch granny squares
Four formally too large granny squares rehabbed into six-inch granny squares

Which meant that not only had I made the guest room four granny squares roomier, I was ready to return to what is the now “sixteen minus one” array of crochet remnants.

I started by weaving in and trimming the ends. In what seemed like no time, they were ready for the next round:

Sixteen minus one crochet remnants mid rehab
Sixteen minus one crochet remnants mid rehab

While I had a little trouble getting the size right on a couple of the squares, with some frogging and a judicious use of various sizes of hooks, I eventually got all “sixteen minus one” remnants rehabbed:

Sixteen minus one crochet remnants rehabbed and ready for adventure
Sixteen minus one crochet remnants rehabbed and ready for adventure

And while I never made it back down to the guest room, I did find sixteen new crochet remnants to rehab:

A fresh array of crochet remnants ready for rehab
A fresh array of crochet remnants ready for rehab

I need to finish work on these and another 174 crochet remnants before I can call this project done, but I will continue, one week, one day, one remnant, and one stitch at a time until I reach my goal.

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