In which I attempt to clear the decks

There are now just nineteen days between me and the start of what is known at my house as “state fair season,” which also means it’s time to literally and metaphorically clear the decks.

In an effort to prepare for the onslaught of crochet that will begin August 1, I have been working to organize my work space (to the degree that it is possible), complete any front burner projects that I don’t feel can wait until October 13 (which is the day after my project will be due at the state fair), and clean out and stock my pantry so that I have nutritious, easy to prepare foods to get us through the ten weeks and two days of state fair season.

To that end, this weekend when I was not working out some of the details of my 2015 effort, I made four of the sixteen five-round squares I will need for the flamingo-inspired practically perfect:

four five-round granny squares crochet squares
Four five-round squares for the flamingo-inspired practically perfect bag

wove in ends on the three remaining ten-round squares that needed the ends woven in:

three ten-round granny squares crochet squares
Three ten-round squares with the ends woven in

and then I trimmed them:

and trimmed in an attempt to clear the decks
and trimmed in an attempt to clear the decks

I don’t really know how much I will get done on my front burner projects over the next 19 days as I await the start of state fair season, but I will move forward as all crocheters do: one stitch at a time.