Pi Day 2013

This year I celebrated Pi Day by spending as much of the day as I could working on the cookie-dough-ku, a project which uses nine visual varieties of crochet cookies in place of the numbers used in a more standard sudoku puzzle lay-out.

Yesterday, as the sun prepared to set on Pi Day Eve, I had gotten this far with the cookie-dough-ku itself, and had finished exactly none of the cookies needed to solve the puzzle:

crochet cookies, crochetbug, sudoku, crochet circles, crochet puzzle, crochet squares
The cookie dough ku as of March 13, 2103

Today I focused on finishing the squares needed to complete the bottom left nine-patch panel. Once those squares were done and joined, I worked on finishing the cookie squares of the cookie-dough-ku:

crochet cookies, crochetbug, sudoku, crochet circles, crochet puzzle, crochet squares
The cookie dough ku Pi Day 2013

and even managed to make one of the five Lemonades™ inspired cookies that will be needed to solve the cookie-dough-ku when it is done (see the far left square of the center nine-patch):

A crochet cookie sudoku puzzle for Pi Day
I celebrate Pi Day and find a solution for one of the squares

If I were a younger woman than I am, I would be tempted to stay up all night and all day, working on this project until it done, but I am not, so I will persist, one day, one cookie, and one stitch at a time.