Thirteen days

That is how many days there are between me and the deadline for the 2015 North Carolina State Fair. Thirteen days and I don’t know how many granny squares.

When I was a child a span of time just one day shy of two weeks seemed interminably long. Now that same span of time, viewed through my middle-aged eyes, seems impossibly short. Instead of wondering how I will ever get through the time in front of me, I wonder how I can possibly get everything done between now and then.

I still have a few more pieces to make, but most of the work left to be done is surface detailing and assembling and weaving in of ends.

So while I did manage to make nine more two-round squares:

nine two-round granny squares
Nine two-round granny squares

Most of my time was spent piecing what I now think of as the “piano panel,” and I was delighted to have made what felt (and feels) like substantive progress:

The nearly assembled crochet piano panel with thirteen days left until the state fair deadline
The nearly assembled crochet piano panel with thirteen days left until the state fair deadline

And now, since there is so little time left between me and my deadline, I had better use what there is as fully as I can.


3 thoughts on “Thirteen days

  1. Loving the color and the texture. Sending crochet mojo your way.I can’t wait to see all the different pieces and panels.

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