Stash down challenge 2011: Day 30

Today is/was the last official day of my Stash down challenge.

I have to qualify my description of “day” because while the month has ended, not all of the projects I started this month as a result of the challenge have been completed.

I sought to remedy that today by continuing work on the Twinkie Chan buttered toast scarf that I began on Thursday at my son’s trumpet lesson.

While I did not complete as much of the scarf as I had hoped to, I did make progress:

pieces of crochet toast for a crochet scarf
I make progress on my vintage stash Twinkie Chan buttered toast scarf

By mid-afternoon, I set aside the scarf and turned my attention to my basket of flowers project that was in need of felting. I got out my felting tools including my pressure washer:

hand crank washer for counter top felting
My Super Wash pressure washing machine that I use for felting

the balls I use to increase agitation:

tennis balls to increase agitation
Balls to help with the agitation in the Super Wash pressure washing machine

and my Shout color catcher sheets:

shout brand dye catchers
My box of Shout color catcher sheets

With all of my tools and materials assembled, I was ready to begin work.

After 90 minutes has passed, the tote had begun to felt:

the crochet purse after felting
A close up of one side of my basket of flowers project after substantial felting

the crochet purse after felting
A close up of another side of my basket of flowers project after substantial felting

but the straps were still longer than I wanted, and the basket itself still had gaps that I had expected would close more:

the crochet purse after felting
My basket of flowers bag after substantial felting

The other side of the basket of crochet flowers bag after substantial felting on day 30 of my 2011 stash down
The other side of the basket of crochet flowers bag after substantial felting on day 30 of my 2011 stash down

After I took these photos, I continued to use the pressure washer to felt the purse; I made progress, but as of this writing, the project is not yet to the point that it can be marked as finished.

The same is true of the stash down challenge.

While the challenge itself is over, my work on this project has not ended; this month has been the start of a journey, and I will not know where it is going to take me until I complete it, one stitch at a time.
