The project that ate February

As 2012 ended and 2013 began, I did as I had done the two previous years — I set my intentions for the new year.

However, after reviewing my previous intention setting efforts, I realize that they lacked a certain specificity which made it difficult to measure progress.

In 2011 I had as my intention to crochet more mindfully.

In 2012, I began the year with the intention of finishing more projects than I began.

So, did I crochet more mindfully? I don’t know. Did I finish more projects in 2012 than I started? Again, no idea.

This year I decided to first set a more specific goal, so that I would know what to work toward; I began by setting my intentions for the first two months of the year:

I would work exclusively on UnFinshed Objects.

As evidenced by this group photo taken at the end of January of all of the UFOs I finished from January 1 to January 31 — I had a lot of projects from which to choose:

an assortment of color crochet projects including a felted purse, an amigurumi bear, felted crochet potholders, and a crochet sudoku afghan
Projects I finished in January 2013

but on the first of February, while looking for a skein of grey yarn that I just knew I had somewhere, I came across these hexagons from a long abandoned project:

Some textured flower crochet hexagons an afghan
Hexagons with ends that need to be woven in

and while the initial intended recipient had, in the intervening decade, outgrown the project, I just know that somewhere there is a child who will need and want this blanket, so I decided to finish it, and while it has not been the swiftest of journeys, today the journey came to an end when completed the border and wove in the last end of the “If pigs (and dogs and birds and bears and frogs and lions and turtles) could fly” project.

Here it is with the first round of the border completed:

An almost completed crochet hexagon blanket
I finish the first of four rounds of the border for the Project Linus project

and here it is in all of its finished glory:

If pigs (and dogs and birds and bears and frogs and lions and turtles) could fly: the project that ate February
If pigs (and dogs and birds and bears and frogs and lions and turtles) could fly: the project that ate February

I loved working on this project, and I learned a number of techniques that I plan to use in future projects, but I was surprised that it took so much time. If, at a future date, I ever need to know where February 2013 went, I need only look at this photo to remember.

As for the rest of the year, I am going to take it one month at a time, and my intention for March is to crochet projects I am committed to making for the people I love and care about and finish writing directions for two patterns.

In the meantime, I need to figure out just exactly what I will be working on tomorrow.

As for tomorrow, I don’t exactly know what I will be working on, but I know that I will enjoy every stitch.