Dueling crochet headz for a crochet skeleton

I had a somewhat busy weekend, but when I was not busy with other things, I spent time working on the crochet headz for the crochet skeletons I am making.

Using Aimee Borst’s Mr. Bone Headz pattern, I ever so slowly finished the crochet pumpkin head—crocheting then losing an eye before I had time to attach it, then putting it on not quite right and having to redo it—but despite myself, I eventually got the pumpkin head done:

A crochet pumpkin head for a crochet skeleton

I was pleased with the finished result. The pumpkin looked friendly and ready for adventure, but with whom could this pumpkin have an adventure?

Using some Red Heart Super Saver white yarn that I had on my desk, I immediately got a start on the mummy crochet headz. The mummy head was what had first attracted me to Aimee Borst’s playful and spooky pattern, so I was delighted to be able to get a start on a second one.

Part of what got my attention about this head is the way the designer makes use of what she calls “the third loop.” The third loop is that part of a crochet stitch that is just behind and below the back loop. Working stitches through this loop creates a lot of interesting textured effects in a relatively simple and straight forward manner, and it those textured effects, with stitches graduated and staggered to perfection, that make the mummy head looks so much like a mummy:

A crochet mummy head for a crochet skeleton

With sunset arriving earlier each day, I soon found it was time to take the day’s last photo which was the two heads getting together for a tête-à-tête:

two crochet heads for Halloween

And even as the days grow shorter, I will continue forward, one stitch at a time.