The return of the yarn slug

Years ago, when I was in the throes (as I still am) of getting my crochet empire organized, I did my best to confront a tangle of yarn and crochet pieces my youngest son dubbed, “the yarn slug.” It was apt, to say the least, and it would seem that in this incarnation it has returned with a vengeance.

In my renewed effort to downsize and organize, I am going through the many boxes that I packed because it would have been unseemly (if appropriate) to put things in trash bags and cart them out of one home only to bring them into another.

The sides of the boxes and relatively durability of the corrugated cardboard gives the contents a clearly demarcated border. A place (if not where the tangle begins) where it ends. Also, you can stack boxes.

And it was in one of those stacks that I found the box that houses many pieces from the yarn slug, and it is those pieces that I am currently rehabbing into five-inch crochet squares.

Most recently, I finished work on the eleven squares I was nearly done with as of my last blog post:

Eleven more five-inch crochet squares
Eleven more five-inch crochet squares

and I identified these nine crochet remnants that were once part of a much larger yarn slug for rehab.

I had already done the first round of crochet rehab and woven in the ends when I got this photo:

Another nine-patch of crochet remnants pulled from a yarn slug identified for crochet rehab
Another nine-patch of crochet remnants extricated from a yarn slug and identified for crochet rehab

and I managed to make progress on six of the nine crochet squares before my crochet day reached an end:

Progress on my front-burner nine-patch of crochet squares
Progress on my front-burner nine-patch of crochet squares

and got this photo of what I have come to think of as “the crochet square nook:”

The nook of transformed crochet remnants gets a little bit fuller
The nook gets even more crochet squares

When I got the idea in my head to rehab one thousand remnants, I had naively thought there was a chance I would run out of remnants before I reached my goal, but as this is just one box, and as I will have at least fifty rehab crochet squares come to fruition from the crochet cornucopia that was stored in this one box, I suspect that I will complete the journey of one thousand rehabbed crochet squares with remnants to spare.