To frog or not to frog? that is the question

With the redesign the boho granny square into a smaller, equally awesome version of itself in the review mirror of my crochet life, I found myself facing a decision about how much and what to frog. I had finished work on four crochet squares and gotten as far as the third round of sixteen squares.

First up were the four squares (top row) seen here with three future squares (bottom row):

Progress on a future granny square purse
Progress on a future granny square purse

With my ruler at my side, I measured the completed squares. They were within easy range of being five-inch squares, so I decided not to frog them and instead rehabbed them for Project Amigo:

The four boho granny squares I decided not to frog rehabbed for Project Amigo
The four boho granny squares I decided not to frog rehabbed for Project Amigo

The work was quick and satisfying which was good because I needed the boost so I could power through frogging fifteen of the sixteen squares that I had worked through the third round. It took awhile, but eventually they were frogged:

Fifteen of sixteen future boho granny squares frogged and ready to be reworked
Fifteen of sixteen future boho granny squares frogged and ready to be reworked

with the yarn scraps wound into a neat ball, so that I could use it to crochet the new third round of the future squares:

A ball of frogged yarn
A ball of frogged yarn

With that done, I was free to focus on rehabbing the most recent nine patch of crochet remnants. After weaving in the ends, I used the assortment of yarns at my side, and finished work on the first round of rehab and even wove in the ends so that I could get started on the second round:

The first round of rehab for another nine crochet remnants
The first round of rehab for another nine crochet remnants

Doing and undoing can sometimes be a fraught decision, but whichever decision you make, once that decision is made, you continue to move forward, one stitch at a time.