I try my hand at a Twinkie Chan crocheted cookie

Last night when I was chatting with a friend from high school over IM, I got a new idea for a project.

It could not have come at a less auspicious moment.

I really do not need a new project.

I am trying to get my crochet affairs in order so that I have the space I need to begin work on what will be this year’s state fair afghan.

As usual, I have something in mind, and I know from experience that the project will become something else along the way; I need to get an early start so that I can travel all of the crochet trails I need to travel and take all of the detours that present themselves along the way.

But last night, I got to thinking, and all of that thinking caused an idea that has been percolating in the back of my mind to bubble up to the forefront of my thoughts leaving me unable to think of anything else.

Unable to shake this idea that is beginning to take hold, I got out my copy of Twinkie Chan’s Crochet Goodies for Fashion Foodies.

I ended up studying (among other things) the cookie scarf. I generally liked the design, but wanted something that was (in my estimation) even more cookie like, so using the directions for the pattern in the book (which were perfect), some warm brown Red Heart Super Saver yarn, and a 4.5 mm I completed the front of my cookie as directed.

However, instead of ending off as directed, I continued to crochet, this time, in reverse of the directions given.

The result: a more three-dimensional representation of a cookie. Here you can see the front:

front of an amigurumi crochet cookie
The front of a crochet cookie

and here you can see the back:

back of an amigurumi crochet cookie
The back of a crochet cookie

One of the things that makes Twinkie Chan’s work so spectacular is how she combines yarns of different weights and textures in ways that add variety and authenticity to the foods she is attempting to render in crochet.

My hope is that by the time I finish this project-that-will-not-leave-me-alone, I will have learned something of how Ms. Chan accomplishes the feat of making varied yarns work and fit together, and that I will then be able to apply my newly acquired knowledge to my 2011 state fair afghan.