A dark and stormy night

I spent much of today as a passenger in a car. Little did I know as we made our way toward home the the perfect light by which to crochet and perfect weather for a road trip would give way to a dark and stormy night.

The upside of my lengthy travel was that it afforded me ample opportunity to work on (and finish) my prototype crochet grocery bag; the downside was that after particularly slow going in what ended up being 50 miles of bumper-to-bumper traffic, I was cranky and found that there were exactly zero ways to sit that were comfortable — thank goodness I had my crochet to distract me.

Ensconced in the passenger seat of the car, removed from my computer, all house work, and errands, I spent my crochet time on my design “A grocery bag for Melanie Griffith.” Some of the time was spent frogging things that hadn’t worked out, but most of the time was spent crocheting, and by the time we made our last stop of the trip, I had finished this version:

The completed prototype for a crochet grocery bag for Melanie Griffith
The completed prototype for a crochet grocery bag for Melanie Griffith

Then, after we had gotten through the worst of the traffic, we stopped to get gas for the car and purchase a few snack items before embarking on the last leg of the trip. This gave me a chance to test the bag and see how it would perform “in action.”

We fill the crochet bag with snacks purchased for the last leg of our much longer than expected drive
We fill the crochet bag with snacks purchased for the last leg of our much longer than expected drive

The bag is not a disappointment in anyway, but there are a few changes I would like to make in the next version which may (or may not) be the final design. Meanwhile, just as I finished the soda and snack purchased for research purposes (did the finished bag work?) we finally made it home, just in time for a dark and stormy night.