Of entropy and crochet squares

Today I resumed both my battle with entropy (which still seems to be winning) as well as my efforts to rehab as many crochet pieces as possible — turning them into five and six-inch squares for Project Amigo with the occasional seven-inch crochet squares for my own personal project.

I started my crochet efforts by clearing my dining table. This is the table which used to function as the nerve center of my crochet office, but which now does double duty as both a crochet empire nerve center and a place to eat meals. Because of it’s current dual use status, I feel compelled to keep it a bit less cluttered than I would if I were the only one using it.

I started by clearing it of yarn and crochet squares, and once I hit table top, I laundered the tablecloth While the tablecloth was undergoing its transformation, I swept up as much dog hair and cat hair as time would allow, and as I did that, I came across assorted yarn scraps from my recent rehab efforts:

crochetbug, crochet flower, crochet remnant, crochet square, granny square
More yarn scraps for my scrap yarn collection

Before setting to work on actual crochet, I took a few minutes to tie the ends together the ends of the yarn scraps, the result of which were these two scrap yarn balls:

crochetbug, crochet flower, crochet remnant, crochet square, granny square
The same yarn scraps added to scrap yarn balls

The one on the right is composed of shorter yarn scraps while one on the left is composed of medium and longer length yarn scraps similar to what I used on this scrap yarn ripple project I started last summer. This is how far I got before I ran out of yarn scraps:

crochetbug, scrap yarn crochet ripple afghan, crochet ripple throw, crochet ripple blanket, use what you have, waste not want not
My progress on the scrap yarn crochet ripple blanket

Fortunately for me, this new rehab crochet square endeavor has generated more scraps that I will be able to used to make progress on the ripple project, and after setting aside the battle with entropy for the afternoon, I returned to the squares, and eventually I finished the five current front burner crochet squares:

crochetbug, crochet flower, crochet remnant, crochet square, granny square
Five new five-inch rehabbed crochet squares

and then I got this photo of the fourteen rehabbed crochet squares:

crochetbug, crochet flower, crochet remnant, crochet square, granny square
Fourteen five-inch crochet squares for Project Amigo

Despite the fact that many of the elements of each of these squares are so similar, the small changes I need to make to accommodate the size requirements means that each of them has a distinct personality that is revealed to me as the square becomes itself, one stitch at a time.

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