I begin work on a Tetrisghan

When March 1 arrived, I set my crochet intentions for the month, and while I met some of my goals, there were others I completely missed, one of which was to begin work on a project I have long wanted to make.

In late February, I began to sketch out this idea that had been with me for many years, a project I call Tetrisghan.

For those readers who are not familiar with Tetris, it is (according to wikipedia) “a tile-matching puzzle video game.”

Composed of 7 tetr0minos (each tetromino being composed of four square blocks each) and a playing field that is an array 10 units wide by 22 units high (the top two rows of the array are not visible when playing), Tetris is, to my mind a practically perfect game, a belief which is (no doubt) bolstered by the fact that it lends itself to an interpretation in crochet.

While I toyed with the idea of working the project in granny squares, ultimately, I decided that I would use the ever versatile Bauhaus blocks that have served me so well in so many projects, including my 2009 North Carolina State Fair entry, my much loved and well-traveled yoga/beach blanket, the ever popular six sudoku afghan, and the as yet unfinished flight of fancy bag.

Using a 5.5 mm hook and my stash of Red Heart Super Saver yarn, I got to work.

First, I fashioned an “S” from spring green:

S crochet tetromino, crochet squares, crochetbug, crochet blocks
A spring green S crochet tetromino

next, an “O” from bright yellow:

O crochet tetromino, crochetbug, crochet blocks, crochet squares, crochet blanket crochet throw, tetris crochet afghan, tetris
A bright yellow O crochet tetromino

which was followed by an “L” from pumpkin:

L crochet tetromino, crochetbug, crochet blocks, crochet squares, tetris, crochet blanket, crochet throw, crochet afghan
A pumpkin “L” crochet tetromino

Then, I had to head upstairs and venture into the yarn annex where I decided on dark orchid for the Tetris “T”:

T crochet tetromino, crochetbug, crochet blocks, crochet squares, tetris, crochet blanket, crochet afghan, crochet throw
A dark orchid “T” crochet tetromino

and turqua for the Tetris “I”:

I crochet tetromino, crochetbug, crochet blocks, crochet squares, crochet blanket, crochet afghan, tetris
A turqua “I” crochet tetromino

I still need to make a Tetris “J” and a Tetris “Z”, and (as luck would have it), I have just the Red Heart Super Saver colors I will need to crochet those as well.

Here how what I have done looks so far:

five crochet tetrominoes, crochetbug, crochet blocks, crochet squares, tetris, crochet blanket, crochet afghan, crochet throw
My first five crochet tetrominoes huddled together

and with my desire to begin work on the Tetrisghan finally quelled, I was able to resume work on the sawtooth sunflower throw with greater focus:

sarcoma crochet sunflower blanket, crochetbug, crochet squares, crochet flowers, crochet sunflowers
The sawtooth crochet sunflower at sunset on April 1, 2013

I did not get done everything I had hoped to get done in March, but I am hopeful that April proves to be much less interesting and that I am able to make all of the progress I would like to.