Countdown to spring

According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac the Vernal Equinox is due to arrive next Friday at 12:57 pm EDT, but in my neighborhood, winter is that uninvited guest who refuses to leave. But despite the this uninvited interloper lingering, I have begun my countdown to spring.

While we enjoyed several days of warmer weather earlier this week with some sunshine thrown in to boot, a fast moving storm plowed through the North Carolina last night and left decidedly cooler temperatures in its wake.

So much so that this morning, as my son and I made our way to the bus stop, I very much wished that I had remembered to wear the gloves that I had been able to set aside for a few days.

The temperature never got warm enough for me to crochet comfortably outside, so after I had attended to a few errands and myriad chores, I settled in with a 6.5 mm hook and the bright orange Ikea cubby basket I began a little over week ago.


Having finished the base, I had been working my way up the sides of the basket, but there was still work to be done.

Working one stitch, then another — and at one point having to frog a couple of rounds to remedy a careless error — I managed (despite myself) to finish the seventh basket.

Here it is in all of its bright orange “I can’t wait for summer” glory:

An orange crochet basket
A very orange crochet basket

and here it is with its six other compatriots:

Seven crochet baskets
Seven crochet baskets lounging on the stairs

I have one more basket to crochet before my organizing/rearranging efforts can begin in earnest, and while I never seem to get as much crochet done in one day as I would like, I continue to move forward one stitch at a time.