How I spent my weekend

I have been anxious to complete work on the Tetrisghan, and I spent what time I had over my weekend working on it.

In the crochet planner I keep in my head, I had originally expected to work on it through the month of March, but one thing happened, and then another, and my start date got pushed out.

Because I have grand crochet plans for the summer that I must start on as soon as school lets out for my son, I am working furiously to finish several before that day arrives, and the Tetrisghan is one of them.

With that in mind, I spend most of Friday and Saturday joining the crochet tetriminos that comprise the second panel of the soon-to-be completed Tetrisghan, and Saturday, at around 5:00 pm, I finished the joining:

crochet tetrominos crochet blanket
I finish joining the pieces of the second Tetrisghan

and while it was very satisfying to have completed the assembly, I still had a lot of ends to weave in and trim:

crochet tetrominos with ends to weave in
Some ends that need to be trimmed on the second panel for the Tetrisghan

I had woven in a number of the ends along the way, but I find that when I have so many ends to trim, it is necessary to force myself to trim slowly and carefully, as the thrill of finally having gotten a project done can sometimes lead to an injudicious snip here or there. Eventually, however, I got all of the ends woven in and trimmed, and here is how the second completed panel looked after the trimming:

What I did with my weekend: wove in and trimmed a lot of ends
What I did with my weekend: wove in and trimmed a lot of ends

and here is the resulting pile of scraps:

Tetrisghan yarn scraps
A pile of Tetrisghan yarn scraps

The last thing I had left to do before I could begin to contemplate the border was to block the newly completed panel, which I did.

Here it is, side by side with the first panel:

Two completed crochet tetris panels
The two completed Tetrisghan panels

Now, onto the border!