I get a start on Square 28

Today got away from me.

It was as if I blinked while eating my breakfast, and then opened my eyes only to find myself finishing dinner.

Where, I wondered, had the day gone, and what, I wondered, would I write about for tonight’s blog post?

Desperate times call for desperate measures, and for once, I was glad that I was behind on the 101 Crochet Squares crochet-a-long I am involved with. No doubt, I thought, there will be something here I can do between the end of dinner and sunset.

Such were the circumstances that prompted me to begin work on Square 28.

I had long admired this square and was glad to find that it was in my seemingly endless queue of things that need doing.

As I looked over the directions, I was particularly intrigued that the flower (the center and central element of square 28) was comprised of many loops of the simple, and seemingly lowly, chain stitch.

It started with eight 9-chain loops:

crochet flower center for a crochet square
Crochet Square 28: the first two rounds

from there twenty-seven 9-chain loops were added:

crochet flower center for a crochet square
I crochet rounds three and four of Square 28

and then another twenty-seven 9-chain loops to complete the flower:

crochet flower center for a crochet square
I crochet rounds five, six, and seven of Square 28

Despite the humble elements, the results are spectacular.

There are still ends to be woven in and a background to be worked that takes this flower and turns it into a square, but this motif has given me a new respect for what can be done with with a chain.

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