Crochet I(n)R(eal)L(ife)

In real life, this is how far I got with my state fair project today:

crochet hilbert curve
The first seven rows of my 2010 NC State Fair project

A more detailed view looks like this:

crochet hilbert curve
Detail of the first seven rows of my 2010 NC State Fair project

Seams were  joined, ends were woven in and trimmed, photos were taken, but still….

In my fantasy crochet life, I finished row seven on Tuesday; however, reality intruded on my fantasy, andI did not get row seven assembled and attached until today — five days later. While my fantasy crochet life is a testament to the depth and breadth of my imagination, it does not a finished project make, and now that this is happened, I don’t know how I will make up the five days that just whizzed past me.

Viewing this photo of my project testing the waters as a car cozy, I consider checking the state fair premium book to see if there is a category such as “crochet blankets that cover a small part of your car”:

crochet hilbert curve
The afghan aspires to be a car cozy

it is clear that this project, like me, seems to have aspirations that exceed its boundaries:

Seven rows the long view of crochet in real life
Seven rows the long view of crochet in real life

Now that row seven is finished it is time to once again take the long view and look toward tackling row eight.