The road to Joshua Tree

Last Wednesday when I woke up in a hotel near LAX, I had more than 12 hours to fill before my flight left. For weeks I had been mulling what to do with the gap in my schedule, and I decided that the most sensible thing was to get in my rental car and go on the road to Joshua Tree.

I had found a friend from seventh grade willing to join me on this trek, and shortly before one-thirty in the afternoon, we pulled into the parking lot of the World Famous Crochet Museum where we met a fellow crochet enthusiast who offered to take our photo:

Me and Joni at the World Famous Crochet Museum in Joshua Tree, California
Me and Joni at the World Famous Crochet Museum in Joshua Tree, California

The adventure was delightful and beyond what I had expected (you can read about the museum visit here). In a room filled with thousands upon thousands of crochet stitches made by so many hands, I was both in awe of what had been accomplished and worried that I might not be able to find the time to crochet everything I want to crochet.

After the tour, I decided that I need to crochet something with aluminum cans, I also need to crochet a watermelon slice and a banana split, and finally, I need to crochet a mermaid — or two.

But these are future crochet needs.

My present crochet need is to finish a crochet purse that I started many moons ago, and yesterday and today, I made progress on that effort.

It is an effort that involves a lot of what I call “color work,” and it sometimes takes me several tries before I find the exact right color, but eventually I do.

Here is the work I got done on Friday:

Three future crochet squares for a crochet purse
Three future crochet squares for a crochet purse

and here is a visual catalog of my progress on Saturday and Sunday:

I settle on a third round for six future squares
I settle on a third round for six future squares

As always the element that I don’t often document is the crochet that was done and then ultimately frogged.

Now the only dilemma facing me is this:

A tider crochet square and a crochet square on the wild side
A tider crochet square and a crochet square on the wild side

I had completely forgotten that I had experimented with a smaller, tidier square, and now before I move onto finishing the fourth round, I have one more decision to make.