You’ve got mail

One of the things I love about blogging are the surprises I get in my email.

Sometimes it is a reader with a question or way of looking at something that I hadn’t considered, sometimes, it is someone wishing me well with my craft, and sometimes, it is one of those “wow, is this my life?” moments.

At the end of June I got an email that definitely falls into that last category. I was doing a regular check of my email and cleaning out whatever cyber clutter had accrued, when I came across an email from someone named Emma.

She explained that she working with, and she offered to send some Paintbox yarn to my house so that I could give it a whirl.

I was so delighted at the chance to try the yarn, I said yes, and promptly forgot to send her my address. It took me a few minutes to realize my oversight, but I quickly sent a second reply, and yesterday, the answer to my replies arrived in the mailbox:

crochetbug, cotton yarn, yarn stash, mini yarn rainbow, five skeins
A package arrives

I was very curious to see what was inside, but I had been on my way out the door to run an errand. This particular yarn adventure would have to wait.

Fortunately traffic was relatively light and in almost no time, I was at home, ready to see what was in the bag. After carefully cutting the package open, I found myself facet-to-face with a mini rainbow of cotton yarn, and no idea what to do with it:

crochetbug, cotton yarn, yarn stash, mini yarn rainbow, five skeins, red, yellow, green, blue, purple
Five skeins of Paintbox cotton yarn

Eventually, after an evening of falling into Ravelry and other crochet internet resources, I got an idea of what I could do with the yarn and began to try it out, but there are still a few bugs to work out before I share my discoveries.

In the meantime, when I was not road testing the new yarn, I worked on my front burner scrap yarn crochet ripple afghan:

crochetbug, scrap yarn crochet ripple afghan, crochet ripple throw, crochet ripple blanket, use what you have, waste not want not
The scrap yarn crochet ripple blanket shortly before sunset

As for crochet, I love my craft whether it is with new yarn, or an assortment of yarn bits that I have been saving for years, and I will continue to make my way, one stitch at a time.

6 thoughts on “You’ve got mail

  1. The new yarn is so beautiful! Can’t wait to see what you do with it!

  2. Beautiful colors! I’ve never seen this brand. Who makes it please? I’d love to see how it compares to the only 2 cotton yarn brands I’ve used.

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