A 911 mile day trip

After my many cross country travels this past year-and-a-half, I feel that I can speak with some authority (if not reason) on the topic of road trips, and after today, I think it’s reasonable to say that a 911 mile drive is a bit more than a day trip.

Having said that, I drove that distance in one day because that is the time I had to get the drive done.

So I did.

And now that I am done with driving for the next few hours, I am exhausted, but not yet sleepy, which is fortuitous, because it gives me the opportunity to write a blog post.

This past weekend, when I was not driving, I worked to get the pattern for the cookies that have evolved out of the original cookieghan written. I don’t know why I find writing patterns so arduous, but I do, and after some time spent “getting things done,” and even more time spent “avoiding getting things done,” I finally had these three crochet cookies:

Three crochet cookies that I made the day before my "day trip"
Three crochet cookies in assorted variety and sizes

as well as written instructions for how you can make your own.

With that done (something I had been meaning to get to for over half-a-decade), before set out on my “day trip,” I was able to again turn my attention to the crochet Viking helmet that I am working on.

What I love about the Viking helmet is also what I hate about the Viking helmet: the level of detail.

In addition to what I term “the base hat”

The red and gold base hat of the crochet Viking helmet
The base hat of a red and yellow crochet Viking helmet

there are a number of smaller pieces (twelve if anyone is counting)that

Twelve crochet pieces that provide the detail for a crochet Viking helmet
All the parts of a future crochet Viking helmet

Clearly, there is still a lot of work to be done to finish the hat even though the crochet has been completed

As for my “day trip” tomorrow’s portion will be under two hundred miles, and when this particular adventure is in the rearview mirror of life, I will be able to resume with more crochet, working it one stitch at a time.

2 thoughts on “A 911 mile day trip

  1. Oh, those details look daunting! I love the hat without them, too….just sayin’ 😉
    And inquiring minds want to know 911 miles gets you from where to where?

    1. My condolences on your loss.
      My so and girlfriend made that trip 2 months ago. They moved there.
      I love the Viking hat. Do you have a pattern for it?
      Becareful on the drive home

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