A future flamboyant crochet swag bag begins to take shape

The thing about making anything with a lot of colors–that holds even truer for the sorts of colors I am using to make a flamboyant crochet swag bag–is that it can sometimes be difficult to persuade those many colors to play nicely with each other.

Which is where I found myself this afternoon. I had gotten this far with eight additional four-inch flamboyant granny squares:

Eight future four-inch flamboyant granny squares ready to be finished
Eight future four-inch flamboyant granny squares ready to be finished

And I erroneously thought that with this spectacular view and equally spectacular light I would breeze right through and finish the eight squares in record time.

The view from the side patio
The view from the side patio

But no.

Instead I tried a number of colors for every remaining round to be crocheted, and then, just as I was about to set out to finish the very last square that needs work, an end I had woven in came undone in such a way that I could not figure out how to “fix” it.

I carefully unraveled my work, thinking I would figure out what I had done in the first place that was causing me such a problem, but I didn’t, so I unraveled it to the first round and reworked the second and third rounds of the square, then moved onto the fourth round which is what I was trying to get done I had begun this particular leg of the crochet adventure.

Finally, however, I had eight new granny squares

Eight four-inch flamboyant granny squares ready for adventure
Eight four-inch flamboyant granny squares ready for adventure

which, when added to the other six, left me just three squares shy of what I need to make the purse with the arrangement that currently has caught my eye:

One potential future flamboyant crochet swag bag
One potential future flamboyant crochet swag bag

I am not 100% convinced that the colors as they are are going to work, but I have a few ideas for things I want to do to trick the purse out, and my hope is that with the use of even more elements, I will somehow bring all the pieces of this future swag bag into a coherent and joy fun whole–one stitch at a time.