An afternoon unravelling

Usually I put off any errands that try to insert themselves on Tuesdays and Thursdays so that I can keep the day clear for any crochet and blogging emergencies that might arise. But sometimes life intrudes, and I can’t keep my calendar as clear as I would like. Today was one such Tuesday, but I was ready, and spent my afternoon unravelling.

Regular readers are aware that I am in the middle of making not one, but two, crochet troll hats, and today, as I had a period of time that I would be waiting, I needed a project to take with me. Something that was at least somewhat self-contained and that didn’t require a huge amount of crochet infrastructure for me to be able to work on it while limited by space.

Enter the first of two troll hats I am working on.

I had all of the yarn/troll hair secured that I intended to secure, and the next step was to unravel the yarn. It seemed like just the pret a porte project for the occasion:

A crochet troll hat with yarn hair before an afternoon unravelling

As is clear from the above photo, as of this morning, I had not gotten very far with my unravelling efforts.

In fact, most of my time had been spent trying to figure out a more efficient way to unravel the yarn, but to no avail.

However, while I found myself with nothing to do but sit for more than an hour, with said hat, I soon came up with an innovation in unraveling:

I simply twisted a strand of yarn counterclockwise, and then, when space opened up in the bottom of strand of yarn, I inserted a small, rather pointed, yarn needle and separated the plies of yarn.

By the time my waiting was over, I had made substantive and substantial progress:

The same crochet troll hat with some of the yarn hair unravelled

That innovation eventually led to yet another innovation, and

It turns out that one afternoon unravelling is not quite enough time to prepare the troll hat hair, but I did make progress, one twist and one ply at a time.