Celebrating Bastille Day with crochet

When I asking myself how I would go about celebrating Bastille Day, I decided to celebrate it the way I celebrate every day: I crocheted.

Last week, I came across this bag made of hexagons at C’est facile avec Cécelie. It was love at first sight, but rather than making the hexagons shown in the pattern, I grabbed my 3.5 mm hook and began making my favorite African Flower crochet hexagon motif.

The Mamy Bag

A complete Mamy bag, is composed of forty-eight crochet hexagons, and while I have only managed to finish four of the required motifs, I have a pile of more than a dozen motifs-to-be in various stages of completion. there are these four motifs will all five rounds:

More African flower crochet hexagon motifs made while celebrating Bastille Day
More African flower crochet hexagon motifs made while celebrating Bastille Day

and here are three additional(out of focus) crochet motifs with the first three rounds crocheted:

crochet flower hexagon
The first three rounds of the African Flower crochet hexagon motif

This project promises to be a lot of fun, and while I am guessing that the most time consuming part of the project will be finding suitable handles, I expect that when it is done, it will be worthy of the many adventures I hope to have with it.

3 thoughts on “Celebrating Bastille Day with crochet

  1. This would make such a great spring purse. Do you make them to sell? Would love to have one for me and a matching one for my 5 year old daughter. 🙂

  2. Do you have a pattern for this? I just saw your post on CP and found this while looking through your photos. Very nice work.
    Thanks for any direction you can give.

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