Crochet abhors a vacuum

Each year as I begin work on my state fair piece there is an air of excitement, an ineffable joi as I first begin.

It is hard to escape the exhilaration of a new project: a design to be planned, yarns to be chosen, colors to be settled on.

The initial planning is engaging on many levels, but eventually the project shifts from exhilaration to mediation, and what remains is the doing.

So today I took all the finishing mojo generated when I finished making Andie Hanley’s Granny Circle yesterday and applied it to making more of the 1352 pieces needed for my state fair project.

I started by gathering together stray balls and partial skeins of worsted weight acrylic yarn:

acrylic yarn for crochet
I round up some renegade yarn to crochet with

By working with these seemingly innumerable bits of yarn, I figured I could both make the pieces I need for the project and bring greater order to my crochet empire/guestroom.

After one hour, I had made measurable progress:

state fair crochet project crochet rectangles crochet squares
My outdoor crochet office, one hour later

Then, after taking a break to fit in some back-to-school shopping with my youngest son, I returned to my crochet efforts and by mid-afternoon, I had made still more progress:

state fair crochet project crochet rectangles crochet squares
My mid-afternoon crochet progress

After two more hours of crochet and random chores, I had amassed this collection of newly completed Bauhaus rectangles:

crochet squares crochet rectangles
A day’s crochet

and found two more balls of yarn that I can begin work on tomorrow:

yarn for a state fair crochet project
I find two more balls of yarn for my 2011 North Carolina State Fair crochet project

There is something both comforting and unnerving in knowing that as soon as I use what remains of one renegade ball of yarn, another will appear to take its place.

It would seem that both nature and the force that is crochet abhor a vacuum.

4 thoughts on “Crochet abhors a vacuum

  1. So not only are you stash busting, you get an amazing afghan for the fair. I love all these colours, they really are stunning.

  2. I love the renegade yarn comment. It just appears out of the walls sometimes. Your project is coming along nicely. I can’t wait to see the final pictures.

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