More fun with tetrominos

The onslaught of errands that greeted me yesterday abated somewhat today, but it wasn’t until well after lunch that I had finished all of my non-crochet related chores and obligations and was able to take hook to yarn and have more fun with tetrominos.

Not all of my efforts were successful.

There are at least three major projects (not including the Tetrisghan) that I want to design and execute between now and early October, and, when time permits, I have been working out various design issues related to these projects.

At this point, my efforts involve copious amounts of swatching which (because I don’t know if what I am doing is exactly what I want until it does (or does not) turn out as I expect it to), in turn, leads to a lot of frogging.

So after a couple of hours of swatching that were a mixture of revelation and frustration, I turned my attention to the crochet tetriminos for the Tetrisghan.

Yesterday, I had fun making words with tetriminos, and today I was not quite able to leave it behind.

Not only did I finish this Z:

crochet tetromino Z
A single crochet Z

I also finished all of the letters for the word TOTS:

More fun with TOTS
More fun with TOTS

and now that I have at least two of everything but the J tetrimino (of which I have one), I thought I would lay them out according to one possible arrangement I have worked out:

crochet tetrominos
One possible arrangement of the crochet tetriminos

It looks a bit messy and wild at this point, but as with each project, I can only move forward on stitch at a time.

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