Never trust a cat

Today my usual life resumed full force.

Before the sun came up, breakfast was served and eaten, coffee was brewed, and my youngest son was on the bus and headed to school.

I returned to the house, coffee in hand, where the battle with my cat for territorial dominance over my 2011 North Carolina State Fair project resumed.

One day last week I had been in a hurry to get out the door. While I had done almost everything I need to do before leaving, there was one glaring omission: I had not put my 2011 North Carolina State Fair project where the cat could not get to it.

I returned that evening to find the project covered in cat hair.

In as much as I had failed to enter the “3-or-more-colors plus tons-of-cat-hair category,” I decided to attempt a remedy by blocking the piece while it was still a manageable size in an effort to remove as much of the cat hair as I could.

After a good soak in water followed by a thorough wringing out with towels and several goes at it with an adhesive lint remover, the project looked much better, but I have been locked in a battle with the cat ever since.

So this morning, armed with my crochet hook, scissors, my bent-tipped needles, and a water-filled spray bottle with the nozzle set to stream, I got out my project for the 2011 North Carolina State Fair and set to work.

If I had time to panic, I would, but my schedule is tight these days and does not accommodate even 10 minutes for recrimination, regrets, or tears. I must simply get to work.

Which is exactly what I did, and before it was time to take my son to his trumpet lesson, I had successfully kept the cat at bay for several hours, finished arranging the 100 squares I had made on my various trips to Greensboro, and joined them into the strips seen here:

quilt crochet blanket
I continue work on my crochet project for the 2011 North Carolina State Fair

Tomorrow, I will get up, and with my trusty spray bottle by my side, I will do it all over again.


7 thoughts on “Never trust a cat

  1. Your project is absolutely beautiful! I just love it. 🙂

    I long ago gave up the battle of keeping pet hair off my current projects. With 3 pugs surrounding me at all times, it was an ending battle. Now I just claim it adds extra warmth. 🙂

    1. @Marian I wish the state fair judges saw it that way. 🙂 @missjulep they do seem to have a way @Bailey at least dogs don’t have a huge disdain for people @Melissa I didn’t know there were cats that didn’t shed.

  2. ..only hair, lucky you. If it had been left on the floor at my house, you would have returned to find parts of it eaten…I learned the hard way, that one of my cats is a “wool eater”, but he doesn’t discriminate, any thing made from yarn is fair game…he is obsessed, all crochet projects and items must be put away, at all times or they get great holes chewed into them them….so don’t sweat the hair…

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