Crochet squares with a purpose

With my Day of the Dead crochet yarn bombing up, I was ready to turn to what is next, and that, as it happens, is a return to my effort to rehab the many crochet remnants I have amassed over the past two decades and rehab them into a total of a thousand crochet squares with a purpose.

When I last wrote about this effort, I had just sent a big box filled with crochet squares (including those pictured here):

Three hundred and sixty crochet remnants rehabbed into crochet squares with a purpose
Three hundred and sixty crochet remnants rehabbed into crochet squares with a purpose

to Project Amigo.

This past Thursday, I received the loveliest of thank you notes along with color printouts of the blankets that were arranged using the squares I had rehabbed, and I was once again inspired to work on the five hundred and forty-four crochet squares standing between me and my stated goal of one thousand crochet squares.

Not sure where to start, I went back a few blog posts and found this image of sixteen crochet remnants I had prepared for rehab:

Sixteen crochet remnants ready for rehab
Sixteen crochet remnants ready for rehab

Certain I had seen them somewhere, recently, I decided this would be a good place to start, and while I didn’t find all sixteen crochet remnants, I did find fifteen of them, so I got out my yarn and my hooks and got to work.

Taking a week-and-a-half off from the crochet remnants was in one way, refreshing, but I was not the same efficient crochet rehab machine I had been.

While I had an easy time choosing colors (bonus!), I was not as fluent in what stitches I had used to get certain rehab outcomes, but eventually, I started to get my crochet groove back, and by the time my dog Clooney was ready for his walk, I had made modest progress on the remnants:

The the crochet rehab begins anew
The the crochet rehab begins anew

The work of converting something from seeming purposelessness to purposefulness is enormously gratifying, and if this is something you would like to contribute to, you can get all the specifics about how to participate right here.

2 thoughts on “Crochet squares with a purpose

  1. Thank you Leslie for showing all your squares! They are gorgeous! While I don’t have started bits I do have lots of yarn! I appreciate you posting the info on Project amigo and found it really a worthy project! I will start doing crochet squares once I finish a round ripple that I am making for our realtor in Wisconsin. We live in eastern Washington and have decided to make a life changing move to northern Wisconsin! We were going to move in July but my husband had a heart attack and 5 vessel bypass surgery! He is doing great and we are ready for Our new adventure! So along with watching wildlife, our lake and snow this winter I will commit to squares for Project amigo! ??????

  2. What a nice project & what a great goal! It looks like you’re well on your way to rehabbing those remnants! 🙂 thanks for sharing!!

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