Day 12: Row 25 and the persistence of life

Nothing, at the moment is coming easily, particularly not row 25.

Today I worked for every square. Each circle crocheted, each end woven in, each round to make the circle square; today, each of those steps on my way to the 2010 North Carolina State Fair required more effort than I expected.

This is the point in a large project where you have to move forward even though you are, at times, besieged by a desire to abandon it.

Doubts creeps in; you must ignore them. Flaws reveal themselves; you must ignore them also.

The only impulse you can follow is the impulse to persist because it is only through persisting that the project will be finished.

The project is to the point at where it takes on a life of its own, and life, however imperfect and limited it appears to an outsider, does not feel imperfect and limited to the possessor.

My project is at the point where it is becoming an entity separate from me; it wants to exist.

So, I do it’s bidding.

Here is what I managed to do today:

A view of row 25 with leaves and rain in the background
A view of row 25 with leaves and rain in the background

crochet hilbert curve, crochetbug, crochet squares, crochet circles, textured crochet join
A detail of row 25

crochet hilbert curve, crochetbug, crochet squares, crochet circles, textured crochet join
A side view of row 25

4 thoughts on “Day 12: Row 25 and the persistence of life

  1. Don’t give up. You can do it and I want to see it hanging on one of the display walls at the fair this year!

    I am right there with you. I have 9 of 48 squares done for my afghan done.

    We can do it!!!

    1. I absolutely won’t give up. I am just about done joining the 25th row to the 24th. That will leave me with an evening to make even more squares and only 6 rows left! 🙂

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