I get into a crochet groove

I have finally gotten into a crochet groove. It’s not that I don’t make any mistakes (I do), it’s not that everything goes right (it doesn’t), but whatever bumps I encounter along the way, I am now able to keep my eye on the prize—namely, finishing my four front burner crochet projects in a timely fashion so that I am ready to move onto what’s next.

Over the weekend, I put most of my time and energy into the crochet skeletons (courtesy of Manic Yarn), in part because I have self-imposed deadline of “tomorrow” (or Tuesday at the latest), and in part because they are a bit fussy and require more careful attention.

And I spent most of the weekend giving time and attention to the remaining legs and feet that needed to be finished. I know from my previous efforts that the arms (for whatever reason) require much less psychic energy and go much more quickly. So as I crocheted the legs and feet, frogging and recrocheting as necessary, eventually both amigurumi skeletons were able to stand on their own two feet:

I get in a crochet groove and complete all four legs for two amigiumi skeletons

It is easy to see that my desk has become something of a crochet hub with the squares for the two new crochet sugar skull yarn bombs piled high on the left, and everything I need to complete all four projects delicately balanced and within easy reach, and what was within easy reach included the two crochet heads I have already made, so I thought I’d get a photo of the intrepid amigurumi skeletons with their “headz” on:

Two amigurumi skeletons in need of arms and wearing their crochet heads

There is still a lot of work to be done before I can reach my crochet goals, but now that I have found my crochet groove, I can continue forward, one stitch at a time.

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